Businesses like yours are leveraging tags to redefine their customer relationship management, plan ahead and organize their customers like a librarian. Selling Lane’s CRM system, with its advanced tagging feature, offers a way to literally tag anyone or any company with descriptive highlights. It’s such a simple feature filled with power when used correctly. 

Organize Customers into Playlists: With Selling Lane's Tags

“Implementing tags in our CRM with Selling Lane was a game-changer. It brought unparalleled clarity and organization to our customer data, making segmentation a breeze.”

– Alec, Hamburg Germany

Tags in a CRM system like Selling Lane are like super helpful labels that help you understand and organize your customers better. Think of it like sorting your school locker or your music playlist – you put things in sections or create playlists, so you can find exactly what you need, when you need it. In the same way, tags help you sort your customers based on what they like, what they do, or what they buy, making it way easier to manage and talk to them.


Tags allow you to move customers into segments for easier classification.


Tags help you understand What Your Customers Like

Imagine you have a shop that sells all sorts of things, from sports gear to video games. By using tags, you can figure out who likes what. If someone buys a lot of sports stuff, you can tag them as a ‘Sports Fan’. This helps you send them info or offers on sports gear, not video games, making your messages more interesting to them.


Tags help you Know How Your Customers Act

Tags can also show you how your customers behave. For example, if someone always checks out your new stuff but doesn’t buy much, you might tag them as a ‘Window Shopper’. This way, you can think of cool ways to turn their interest into actual buys, like sending them a special first-time buyer discount.


Tags help you plan ahead at What Your Customers want to Buy

You can also use tags to keep track of what and how much your customers buy. If someone often spends a lot on each visit, you might tag them as a ‘Big Spender’. Knowing this, you might offer them exclusive deals or first dibs on new products, making them feel special and encouraging them to keep shopping.


Quick and Easy Management

The best part about tags is they make things super quick and easy. Instead of going through a huge list of customers, tags let you quickly find the group you want to focus on. This means you can spend more time coming up with cool ideas and ways to connect with your customers, and less time trying to sort through a bunch of information. It’s like having a shortcut to exactly the group of customers you want to talk to or understand better.


Tags are so Flexible and easy to Use, like everything in Selling Lane

Another cool thing about tags is that they’re really flexible. As your business changes or as you learn new things about your customers, you can add new tags, change old ones, or even get rid of ones you don’t need anymore. It’s like updating your playlist when you find new music you like or when your taste changes. This flexibility means you can always keep your customer management fresh and up-to-date.

In short, using tags in a CRM system like Selling Lane is like having a superpower for your business. It helps you understand your customers in a fun and easy way, lets you send them stuff they actually care about, and saves you a ton of time. It’s all about making sure you’re talking to the right people in the right way, which is super important if you want your business to be a hit.

Add Tags to Everything As Your Growth Method

“We decided one day to embrace the future with Selling Lane’s advanced tagging system. It transformed our approach to business and zero in on specific customers, which led to substantial growth. Now we tag everything like it’s our religion”

-Sonia, Athens Greece

Selling Lane’s tags aren’t just labels; they’re a gateway to understanding your market better. By using these tags, you can identify trends, anticipate customer needs, and tailor your services or products accordingly. This proactive approach leads to satisfied customers and, ultimately, a thriving business.

Steps to the sale

Using Tags to create the Steps to the Sale

Example: Mary is a used car dealer in Delaware, she gets leads from her website. She uses tags to move them through the selling process. Tags such as,

    1. New Lead> she received a new inbound call or email
    2. Reached> she connected with the customer and was able to take the next step
    3. Appointment Set> was able to set an appointment
    4. Appointment Kept> the customer kept her appointment by visiting the dealership
    5. Sold> She sold the customers
    6. Delivered> The customer paid and took delivery
    7. Lost> She could not make a deal.

So now imagine, Mary coming in the morning and clicking on the sold tag, so she sees a pending sales list. Or let’s say she bought a few vehicles at auction, she could call all the lost customers and try to get them back in to take a look.

Foster Lasting Relationships: Tags for Loyalty

Everyone said I was nuts to start my own business, but I build a loyal customer base with Selling Lane CRM. I used tags to help me recognize and reward my most dedicated customers, fostering a sense of community and belonging. I knew I just needed a 100 raving fans and my business would take off. It took a while but now I have 10 employees and are adding 100 customers a month.

– Drew, Vancouver BC Canada

Identifying Your Core Supporters

using tags to manage customer serviceUtilize Selling Lane’s tagging system to effortlessly identify your most loyal customers. By tagging those who frequently engage with your brand, whether through repeat purchases, consistent interactions, or high-value transactions, you create a segment of ‘VIP Customers’. This group represents not just your regular clientele but your brand advocates – those who are most likely to spread positive word-of-mouth about your business.

Personalized Rewards and Offers

Once you’ve identified your VIP customers, you can use this information to create personalized rewards and offers. This could be in the form of exclusive discounts, early access to new products, or special loyalty programs. For instance, a tag like ‘Frequent Buyer’ could trigger an invitation to a VIP loyalty program, offering them perks such as a permanent discount on all purchases, a free product for every ten purchased, or a special birthday gift.

Early Access to New Products and Services

Another way to make your VIP customers feel special is by offering them early access to new products or services before they are available to the public. This not only makes them feel valued and appreciated, but also gives them a sense of exclusivity and privilege. It’s a way of saying, “Your loyalty matters, and we want you to be the first to experience our newest offerings.”

Gathering Feedback for Improvement

Use the opportunity to gather valuable feedback from your VIP customers. Since they are your most engaged users, their insights can be incredibly useful for improving your products or services. You can conduct exclusive surveys or feedback sessions with them, making them feel like an integral part of your brand’s development process.