Selling Lane Change Log

Last updated [lmt-site-modified-info] by Jude Campbell

With Selling Lane, you’re always running the latest version of our CRM software. We release automatic updates on a regular basis, and they’re always free for our customers. These updates include new features, bug fixes, and security enhancements.

To find out more about the latest Selling Lane updates, scroll down to out release notes: There, you can find a detailed description of each update, including the features that were added, the bugs that were fixed, and the security enhancements that were implemented.

Version history of Selling Lane, congratulations, you've been upgraded

V1.11.13 (Nov 13, 2023) Cool Features

Bug Fixes:

New Features

  • CHANGE COLOR: You can now change the main color of selling lane, simply go to Settings>Edit Account, then look for Site Color.
  • ADD LOCATIONS: You can now add additional company locations to Selling Lane. So as you expand your business, your favorite CRM will expand right along with you. Simply go to settings, then Locations, and add to your heart’s content.
  • ADD USERS TO LOCATIONS: you now have the ability to go into user settings and assign users access to specific locations, this way, they will only see data for the locations that they are assigned to. Simply go to settings, then edit users, then pick the user you wish to edit then scroll to the bottom, and you can add them or remove them from any of your locations.
  • USER ACCESS LEVELS: we’ve added a couple of user access levels, they can now be a user or an admin. Users can use the CRM to their hearts content, admin have the ability to edit settings and change, passwords, etc…
  • COMPANY LOGO TO SITE: you can now add your company logo to your website. Simply go to Settings> Edit Account, then look for Logo. Click “Choose File” then upload. Note: Site Logos should be sized 400px wide by 200px high

V1.11.2 (Nov 4 2023) bug fixes

Bug Fixes:

  • Squished bug where users couldn’t add tasks in certain circumstances.

V1.11.1 (Nov 3rd 2023) Delete Recurring Tasks

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a pesky bug where images added to the website builder would not show correctly

New Features:

  • Added the ability to delete recurring tasks, or single tasks

V1.10.5 (Oct 31, 2023) Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes:

  • Website Builder: Fixed an issue in website builder where you click add photo without actually adding a photo, but it reports back success, even though no image had been uploaded.
  • Contact Manager: Fixed an issue in contact manager, when adding a new contact to an account, it goes to a blank screen but does successfully add the contact. Now it returns you to the contact for further revision.

Tweaks and UI Improvements:

  • Website Builder Renamed a heading in website builder: Show as Website Featured Portfolio to “Portfolio, Recommend 4 items” and max out at 4.
  • Website Builder: Renamed a header in website builder: “Show on the Website” to “Features on site (Pick 3) and only allow three, since the site does not have icons for more than three.

V1.10.4 (Oct 29, 2023) Local Regions

Tweaks and UI Improvements:

  • Contact Manager: Renamed in contact manager, state to State/Local Region to make the CRM more user-friendly in countries outside the US

V1.10.4 (Oct 28, 2023) UI improvements

Bug Fixes:

  • Tag Manager: Bug with tag manager, now when adding a tag, you no longer have to refresh the screen to see that the tag was added successfully. Hopefully this will prevent you from adding duplicate tags.

Tweaks and UI Improvements:

  • Home page improvements: Now business names are links. We added this feature, because in some cases users were adding companies without contacts, and it made it hard to get to the company from the front page.
  • Action Plan Improvement: we’ve added simple messaging to the action plan section that tells you what to do in the event that you have no action plan created at all

V1.10.3 (Oct 23, 2023) Editable Invoices

New Feature:

  • Invoicing: Keep invoices editable, even after it has been submitted to the customer, which allows you now to modify a invoice if the customer suggests a change.

Bug Fixes:

  • Invoicing: corrected a bug in CSS that was preventing colors from printing

Tweaks and UI Improvements:

  • Selling Menu: Removed cost from products to simplify data entry.
  • Selling Menu: Renamed Change product / activity to service
  • Website Builder: Moved all website questions to a website edit page, this will allow you to edit your website all from one place. Which we believe will make your life quite a bit easier.

V1.10.2 (Oct 12, 2023) Super Search

New Feature:

  • Search: you can now search for just about anything in a contact or company using the search bar on the homepage. You can search for things like tags, street addresses, parts of names, parts of phone numbers, etc. This should make it massively easier to find what you’re looking for.

Bug Fixes:

  • Task Manager: after adding a task, we’ve corrected the way the save button, and the enter key work. Both will now close the box and display the task that you’ve added.
  • Google Registration: instead of preventing customers, who’ve already registered from logging in without a message we now take you to the login page so you can continue

Tweaks and UI Improvements:

  • Contact manager: when you initially add a customer, we now take you to the edit page after save instead of back to the homepage, which should improve your data entry by allow you to continue adding additional items about that customer before moving on.
  • Contact Manager, Tags: we made it possible to add tags from new locations, specifically when you first initially adding a customer or company.
  • Google Login, we no longer send you a temporary password after you’ve signed up using Google, since Google handles the password management, so having a separate password for your email is redundant.

V1.10.1 (Oct 6, 2023) Contact Notes

New Feature:

  • Contact Manager Notes: you can now delete and modify existing notes on your contacts and companies.

Tweaks and UI Improvements:

  • Task manager: we no longer show the time next to overdue tasks